AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Resiliency Journey : exploring how AWS Resilience Hub and Migration Acceleration Program come together

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the cloud has become the backbone of innovation, scalability, and efficiency for businesses worldwide. As customers embark on their cloud migration journeys, whether the migration has been motivated by the intention of accelerating innovation, reducing operational and infrastructure costs, or exiting your on-prem datacenter, migrating to the cloud presents […]

Image with a blue background with the following text Accelerate VMware Migrations to AWS using AWS Migration Hub Journeys

Accelerate VMware Migrations to AWS using AWS Migration Hub Journeys

In January 2024, we introduced Migration Hub Journeys to guide and accelerate the migration and modernization of applications. Journeys help optimize planning, execution, and tracking through task-based templates with expert guidance, specialized tools, and cross-team collaboration, enabling you to migrate and modernize applications seamlessly. Today, we’re excited to publish new migration journey templates for AWS […]

Automate CloudWatch Dashboard creation for your AWS Elemental Mediapackage and AWS Elemental Medialive

Introduction Monitoring the health and performance of your media services is critical to ensuring a seamless viewing experience for your customers. Amazon CloudWatch provides powerful monitoring capabilities for Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources. Setting up comprehensive dashboards can be a time-consuming process, especially for organizations managing large number of resources across multiple regions. The Automatic CloudWatch […]

Ten Ways to Improve Your AWS Operations

Introduction When I take my car in for service for a simple oil change, the technician often reads off a litany of other services my car needs that I had put off since the previous service (and maybe the service before that, too). I tend to wait for the “check engine” light to come on […]

Project management in a cloud first world

Introduction In this blog, you will learn how to choose the right project management methodology to accelerate cloud transformations. According to the Harvard Business Review, over 70% of digital transformations fail. One of the reasons is the lack of proper governance leading to poor cross-functional alignment. To avoid this common pitfall, organizations must choose a […]

Testing Amazon Cognito backed APIs using Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics

Testing Amazon Cognito backed APIs using Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics

Customers who develop APIs can control access to them using Amazon Cognito user pools as an authorizer. Testing these APIs should take into account the additional security controls in place to effectively validate that the APIs are working, and Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics enables proactive testing of these APIs. If you are using Amazon Cognito User […]

How SLAs, SLOs, and SLIs interact

Improve application reliability with effective SLOs

At AWS, we consider reliability as a capability of services to withstand major disruptions within acceptable degradation parameters and to recover within an acceptable timeframe. Service reliability goes beyond traditional disciplines, such as availability and performance, to achieve its goal. Components of a system or application will eventually fail over time. Like our CTO Werner Vogels […]

How to engage application teams during a cloud migration

Engaging effectively with application teams is key in scaling out your cloud migration initiative. Some application teams want minimal involvement in the migration process. Others view it as opportunity to enable their engineers and learn by doing. In this post, I discuss the pros and cons and suitability criteria of three engagement models. Deliver (“do-for” […]

Enabling Self Service for Cloud Custodian policies on AWS using AWS Service Catalog

Customers are increasingly seeking tools and solutions that can help them achieve their desired outcomes more efficiently and effectively. In the context of cloud management, the need for self-service capabilities has become more pronounced as organizations strive to optimize their cloud resources, improve security, and enhance their overall cloud operations. AWS Service Catalog offers the […]

Enhancing observability with a managed monitoring solution for Amazon EKS

Enhancing observability with a managed monitoring solution for Amazon EKS

Introduction Keeping a watchful eye on your Kubernetes infrastructure is crucial for ensuring optimal performance, identifying bottlenecks, and troubleshooting issues promptly. In the ever-evolving world of cloud-native applications, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) has emerged as a popular choice for deploying and managing containerized workloads. However, monitoring Kubernetes clusters can be challenging due to their […]