AWS CloudShell features

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Issue AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands, run scripts, and access common command line utilities including PowerShell and Bash. Additionally, use other popular AWS CLIs, such as the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) CLI and the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI, to interact with your AWS resources—all without leaving your web browser.

AWS CloudShell runs on Amazon Linux 2 and contains common AWS CLIs, including AWS CLI, Amazon ECS CLI, AWS SAM CLI, and runtimes and AWS SDKs for Python and Node.js. Other commonly used command line utilities for shells (Bash, PowerShell, Zsh), editors (vi), source control (Git), and package management (npm, pip) are also installed. For a complete list of preinstalled tools, see the CloudShell User Guide.

CloudShell inherits the credentials of the user signed in to the AWS Management Console. This makes authentication simpler and reduces operational burden by removing the need to locally configure and manage credentials.

CloudShell is fully managed, including the latest security patches and latest versions of the operating system and the installed tools. You can focus on building and managing your AWS resources instead of maintaining your local machines or software tooling.

CloudShell comes with 1 GB of persistent storage for your home directory. Persistent storage allows you to store your frequently used scripts and configuration files between CloudShell sessions. For more details on persistent storage, see the CloudShell User Guide.