Amazon Connect is a pay-as-you-go cloud contact center. There are no required minimum monthly fees, long-term commitments, or upfront license charges, and pricing is not based on peak capacity, agent seats, or maintenance; you only pay for what you use. 

AWS Free Tier

As part of the AWS Free Tier, you can get started with Amazon Connect for free.

  • As part of the AWS Free Tier, you can get started with Amazon Connect for free.

    For the first 12 months of your initial Amazon Connect cloud contact center deployment in any region, you receive:

    • 90 minutes per month of Amazon Connect service usage
    • A direct inward dial (DID) number from the country in which the AWS region is located
    • 30 minutes per month of inbound DID calls
    • 30 minutes per month of outbound calls made to numbers in the country in which the AWS region is located


    For US regions, you also receive:

    • One US toll-free number
    • 30 minutes per month of inbound toll-free calls made from the US


    For example: If you create your instance in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) region, you get one DID number from Australia, receive 30 minutes of inbound DID calls to that number, and can use Amazon Connect to place 30 minutes of outbound calls to numbers in Australia.


    Other Amazon Connect capabilities also part of the Free Tier during your 12 months, including:

    • 500 messages per month with Amazon Connect Chat
    • 100 tasks per month with Amazon Connect Tasks
    • 1,000 profiles per month with Amazon Connect Customer Profiles
    • 500 messages per month for chat messages with Amazon Connect Contact Lens
    • 180 transactions per month with Amazon Connect Voice ID, split evenly across enrollment, authentication, and fraud detection

    These Amazon Connect capabilities offer Free Trials that start upon first usage or activation. Once the trial period expires you simply pay standard, pay-as-you-go service rates.

    • 100,000 voice call minutes per month for the first 2 months with Amazon Connect Contact Lens conversational analytics upon first usage (offer available through December 31, 2024)
    • 30 days usage of Amazon Connect Contact Lens performance evaluations upon first-time feature activation
    • 90 days usage of Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling upon first-time feature activation



  • Omnichannel experience
    • Voice & video
    • Pricing Price per minute
      Inbound voice usage – per minute $0.018
      Outbound voice usage – per minute $0.018
      Outbound campaigns voice usage – per minute $0.025
      In-app and web calling audio usage - per minute $0.01
      Screen sharing usage - per minute $0.015
      Video connection - per minute $0.015

      For Amazon Connect Voice, there are two charges associated with usage: voice service charges and a charge for the communication service (i.e., telephony or web calling).

      With voice service usage, you are billed on a per-second basis (minimum 10s). Amazon Connect Voice service usage for inbound calls as well as manual outbound calls dialed from the contact control panel (CCP), is determined by the seconds your end-customer is connected to the service. For outbound voice usage initiated by invoking the startOutboundVoiceContact API or using Amazon Connect outbound campaigns, you are billed on a per-second basis (minimum 10s) from the time the contact attempt is initiated by Amazon Connect.

      Amazon Connect telephony provides rates for inbound and outbound calling. Inbound rates cover calls from landline and mobile sources. Outbound rates cover blended national and international calling to landline, mobile, and higher cost destinations2. Inbound calls are charged per-second (minimum 60s). There are also 200+ outbound calling destinations available that charge per-second (minimum 60s) for each interaction. To check for country-specific pricing, refer to the tables below. Taxes, surcharges, and fees may apply.

      1. UIFN has a minimum requirement to be enabled in five countries
      2. High cost destinations are subject to an acceptable use policy

      Amazon Connect telephony offers four types of numbers:  direct inward dial (DID), toll-free phone numbers (TFN), shared cost numbers, and Universal International Freephone numbers (UIFN)1 in more than 100 countries worldwide, which are charged on a per-day rate. To check country-specific availability and pricing for the four types of numbers, refer to the tables below.

      For Amazon Connect’s in-app, web, and video calling capabilities, you are charged the Amazon Connect Voice service per minute fee and separate per minute price based on usage of each capability.

      Audio usage is determined by the seconds your end-customer is connected to the Amazon Connect. You are billed on a per-second basis (minimum 10s) from the time the contact attempt is initiated by Amazon Connect. Video usage is billed by the second (minimum 10s) for the duration your end customer or agents turn on video during their interaction. 

      When you use an uploaded contact list to schedule and manage outbound campaigns, you pay a Monthly Targeted Audience (MTA) charge for processing a phone number known as an endpoint in an attempt to reach a customer (just uploading a contact address does not incur any charges) and associated costs for usage of the channel. MTA is defined as the number of unique phone numbers that were processed in a month*.

      • An end customer calls a DID number belonging to an Amazon Connect contact center deployed in the US (US-West2 region). The call gets connected to an agent’s softphone. The agent spends 7 minutes talking to the customer.

        1. There is an Amazon Connect service usage charge, based on end-customer call duration. At $0.018 per minute * 7 minutes = $0.126
        2. There is a day charge for use of a US DID number in US-West2. At $0.0300 per day * 1 day = $0.03
        3. The per minute telco usage for a US DID in US-West2. At
          $0.0022 per minute * 7 minutes = $0.0154

        Total cost for this call is $0.17 (plus applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges).

      • An end customer call using an Amazon Connect US DID number in the US (US-West2) region, answered by an agent on the Amazon Connect softphone. During the call, the agent needs to connect the call to another department and does so by making an outbound call to the other department. The agent spends three minutes talking to the customer before making a four minute outbound call to a US destination. The total call duration is seven minutes.

        There are four separate charges that apply for this call:

        1. There is an Amazon Connect service usage charge, based on the end-customer call duration. At $0.018 per minute * 7 minutes = $0.126
        2. There is the day charge for use of the US DID number. At $0.03 per day * 1 day = $0.03
        3. The inbound call per minute charge for US DID number. At $0.0022 per minute * 7 minutes = $0.0154 (the inbound call is open for the 3 minutes + the 4 minutes of the outbound call)
        4. The outbound call per minute charge to call a US destination. At $0.0048 per minute * 4 minutes = $0.0192

        The total cost for this call is $0.1944 (plus applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges).

      • An Amazon Connect contact center in US East (N. Virginia) wants to notify all its customers about the change in its terms of use. This notification is a pre-recorded message that will be played irrespective of whether a call is answered by a live person or an answering machine. 25% of all contact attempts connect to a live customer or an answering machine, and each contact lasts 30 seconds. Using outbound campaigns, the bill for this communication would be calculated at the end of the month in US East (N. Virginia) as follows:

        Monthly Targeted Audience (MTA) Charges
        10,000 endpoints targeted in the month would cost $1.20 per 1,000 endpoints after the first 5,000 endpoints = $6.00

        Voice Service Charges
        Number of contact attempts made = 10,000
        At a connection rate of 25%, number of calls that result in the recorded message being played = 2,500
        With a single call duration of 30 seconds, minutes of voice service usage for connected calls = 30 seconds * 2,500 messages = 1,250 minutes

        Total billable voice service usage for connected calls less the 90 minutes of Amazon Connect free tier usage per month = 1,250 minutes – 90 minutes = 1,160 minutes
        Since each contact attempt is charged for a minimum of 10 seconds, minutes of voice service usage for unsuccessful contact attempts = 7,500*10/60 = 1,250 minutes
        Total voice service charges for the notification campaign = (1,160 minutes + 1,250 minutes) * $0.025 per minute = $60.25

        Telephony Charges
        Assume that you have claimed a US toll-free number to make these calls and all your calls were completed within a single day
        Day charge for the use of the US toll-free number = $0 for free tier usage in the first 12 months. $0.06 per day after that
        Total minutes of connected calls = 2,500 calls that connect to a voicemail or live customer * 60 seconds minimum = 2,500 minutes
        Outbound call charges for calls that connected, less the 30 minutes of free tier outbound telephony usage per month = $0.0048 outbound call charges per minute*(2,500 minutes of connected calls – 30 minutes of free tier) = $11.86

        For the month, your bill will be $73.29, a total that includes $6.00 for Pinpoint MTA charge to process your endpoints through Pinpoint list orchestration, $60.25 for Connect voice service usage, $11.86 for Connect telephony charges, and the complete usage of your free tier.

        You can also use Amazon Connect outbound campaigns to reach your customers using SMS and Emails in addition to voice calls using the same contact list. SMS and email messages are sent through Amazon Pinpoint and corresponding charges apply. Learn More.

        * Monthly Targeted Audience (MTA) charges are billed through Amazon Pinpoint. Outbound campaigns uses Amazon Pinpoint list orchestration capabilities to manage contact lists

      • In-app, web, and video calling pricing example one

        A customer uses your organization’s mobile application and makes an in-app call, answered by an agent on the Amazon Connect softphone, that lasts a duration of five minutes.

        There are two charges applied to this call:

        1. There is an Amazon Connect service usage charge, based on the end-customer call duration. At $0.018 per minute * 5 minutes = $0.09
        2. The in-app calling audio usage charge, based on the number of minutes. At $0.01 per minute * 5 minutes = $0.05

        The total cost of this call is $0.14.


        In-app, web, and video calling pricing example two

        A customer uses your organization’s website and makes a web call, answered by an agent on the Amazon Connect softphone, that lasts for a duration of five minutes. Both the customer and the agent had video enabled for the entire call.

        There are three charges applied to this call:

        1. There is an Amazon Connect service usage charge, based on the end-customer call duration. At $0.018 per minute * 5 minutes = $0.09
        2. The web calling audio usage charge, based on the number of minutes. At $0.01 per minute * 5 minutes = $0.05
        3. Video calling usage charge per minute for each of the video connections. At $0.015 per minute * 2 connections  * 5 minutes = $0.15

        The total cost of this call is $0.29.

      • Phone Numbers
      • Inbound Calling
      • Outbound Calling
      • Shared Trunking
      • Amazon Connect partners with telecommunications carriers to extend telephony coverage to the specific countries below, through pre-configured shared trunks. In the Shared Trunking model, you contract directly with a telco partner carrier. The telco carrier will provide the number(s) to upload to Amazon Connect. Billing for the number usage is handled directly by the telco carrier while Amazon Connect bills for the Shared Trunking usage. Telco partner carriers are described in our partner page.

        The Shared Trunking rate for all inbound and national outbound is $0.0022 per minute, outbound international usage is billed at the applicable Amazon Connect telephony outbound rates.

        Shared Trunking is available in the following AWS Regions and countries:

        • US East (N. Virginia) and US West (Oregon): Brazil
        • Asia Pacific (Singapore) and Europe (Frankfurt): Albania; Armenia; Angola; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Belarus; Belize; Benin; Bermuda; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Burkina Faso; Cambodia; Cameroon; Cayman Islands; Cuba; Dominica; Egypt; Ethiopia; Fiji; Ghana; Grenada; Guam; India; Indonesia; Israel; Ivory Coast; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kosovo; Kuwait; Laos; Lesotho; Lichtenstein; Malta; Mauritius; Moldova; Mongolia; Montenegro; Montserrat; Morocco; Mozambique; Myanmar; Nepal; Northern Mariana Islands; Oman; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Qatar; Rwanda; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent Grenadines; Saudi Arabia; Sri Lanka; Taiwan; Tanzania; Turkey; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; Uzbekistan; Vietnam; Virgin Islands (UK); Virgin Islands (US); Zambia; Zimbabwe


    • Messaging & chat
    • Pricing Price per message
      Chat usage – per message $0.004
      SMS usage - per message $0.01
      Apple Messages for Business – per message $0.01
      Chat experiences using step-by-step guides - per message $0.005
      • Pricing example
        An end-customer sends a message to begin a chat through your website. The chat conversation occurs over multiple hours with two different agents, since the end-customer stopped responding and then later resumed the chat when the first agent was no longer online. During the chat, the customer sent 9 messages and the agents sent 15 messages.

        • There is one charge for this chat: There is an Amazon Connect Chat charge, based on the total messages sent during the chat (including initial message when chat was started). At $0.004 per message * (9 customer messages + 15 agent messages) = $0.096

        The total for this chat is $0.096 (plus applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges).

      • An end-customer sends an SMS message to your organizations 10DLC (10-digit long code) business phone number (e.g., +1234567890) to get support. The text conversation occurs over multiple hours with two different agents, since the customer stopped responding and then later resumed the SMS conversation when the first agent was no longer online. During the conversation, the customer sent 7 messages and the two agents sent 8 messages.

        1. There is an Amazon Connect SMS service usage charge, based on the total messages sent during the conversation (including initial message when conversation was started). At $0.01 per message * (7 customer messages + 8 agent messages) = $0.15.
        2. There is a per message charge on Amazon Pinpoint as well. If the agent sends an outbound SMS message using a 10DLC phone number in the United States, it will cost $0.00847/message ($0.00581 (Amazon Pinpoint Base Price) + $0.00266 (Amazon Pinpoint Carrier Fee)). Additionally, when the agent receives an inbound message on a 10DLC phone number in the United States, it will cost $0.0075 (Amazon Pinpoint Fee). In this example, at $0.00847/message for each outbound message * (8 agent messages) and $0.0075 *(7 customer messages), the total Amazon Pinpoint cost will be $0.12026 in addition to the Amazon Connect SMS service usage charge. Note: This example is based on Pinpoint's pricing which can vary by region and carrier fees. Please see Amazon Pinpoint pricing for the most up-to-date pricing.
        3. So, the total cost for SMS conversation described in the example above is $0.15 + $0.12026 = $0.27026.
        4. Note: Pinpoint SMS pricing varies between countries, regions, phone number types, and in some cases, between carriers in the same country or region based on the telecom carrier of the destination phone number. Additionally, depending on the size of the message, Amazon Pinpoint may break up the message into multiple message parts. You will be charged for each message part. See Amazon Pinpoint pricing for more information.
      • An end-customer, wanting to track the status of her order, sent a message to a retailer directly from her Apple iPhone's native Messages app. During the conversation, the customer sent 4 messages and the agent sent 6 messages.

        • There is one charge for this conversation. At $0.01 per message * (4 customer messages + 6 agent messages) = $0.1. The total cost is $0.1 (plus applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges).
      • An end-customer initiates a chat on your website by clicking on the chat button. They are offered a step-by-step guide UI (called a view) that lists a few menu options to pick from as part of the self-service workflow. The end-customer selects one of the options. A second view appears which prompts the end-customer to fill out a form. They enter the requested information and press “submit.” The end-customer then sees a final confirmation view displaying the information they submitted. One message is sent every time the end-customer is presented with a view, and one message is sent every time the end-customer performs an action (e.g., submit a form). In this scenario, a total of five messages (i.e., three views and two actions performed) are sent.

        • There are two charges for this chat based on total messages sent: an Amazon Connect Chat charge and a step-by-step guides charge. Total cost = 5 * $0.004 per message (for using chat) + 5 * $0.005 per message (for using guides) = $0.045
    • Tasks
    • Pricing Price per task
      Task usage – per task $0.04

      For Amazon Connect Tasks, you are billed $0.04 per task created by an API, by an agent through pre-built connectors with external applications (e.g., Salesforce), or by Connect Flows. Agent-initiated task transfers are also billed at $0.04 per task. Note: We may limit Flow usage for tasks based on our acceptable use policy, service terms, and documentation.

      • Assume that you have created 10,000 tasks in a month across your contact center, and you are in the second year of your use of the service.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total monthly units = 10,000 tasks created
        Total monthly cost = 10,000 * $0.04/task = $400

  • Agent productivity
    • Cases
    • Pricing Price per case created
      Cases usage – per case created $0.12

      With Amazon Connect Cases, you are billed $0.12 per case that is created in the agent application or through the API, or whenever the Create Case action in the flow is executed successfully. If using Amazon Connect Customer Profiles and Amazon Connect Tasks with Cases, those features are charged separately. There is no charge for profiles that contain only data generated by use of Amazon Connect. For more information, see the Customer Profiles and Tasks pricing sections.

      • Let's assume that you have 10,000 cases created in a month.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total monthly units = 10,000 cases
        Total monthly cost = 10,000 cases * $0.12 = $1,200

    • Customer Profiles
    • Pricing Price per profile stored per month
      Profiles using identity resolution or third-party data $0.0025
      Profiles without identity resolution using only Amazon Connect data* Free
      Additional incremental charge for profiles storing over 100 objects $0.0025

      *There is no charge for profiles that only contain data generated by usage of Amazon Connect.

      Customer Profiles are priced at $0.0025 per profile stored per month, pro-rated on a daily basis, inclusive of storage costs. There is no charge for profiles that only store data generated from Amazon Connect usage, such as contact record, or standard profile fields, with the exception of custom attributes. Profiles that store or previously stored custom attributes, data from external applications, or use Identity Resolution are priced at $0.0025 per profile stored per month. Profiles larger than 100 objects, which is a grouping of data (for example, purchase history, contact history) related to a single customer, will incur an additional profile unit at the same $0.0025 per month. 

      A profile is created when an agent answers a customer's call or chat, when an agent manually creates a new profile, from pre-built connectors e.g. customer relationship management (CRM), or from homegrown applications using the software development kit (SDK) and application programming interface (API). Profiles are matched with Amazon Connect data based on a unique name, address, phone number, and email. Profiles that cannot be matched using unique identifiers will be each treated as a single unit.

      • Let’s assume you have two Amazon Connect instances with different Customer Profiles domains. In one Amazon Connect instance, you created 10,000 profiles in Amazon Connect Customer Profiles and imported data from your CRM and ordering systems. In the other instance, you created 10,000 profiles in Amazon Connect Customer Profiles and only stored contact history data from Amazon Connect.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total monthly profile units = 20,000
        Total cost = 10,000 *$0.0025 + 10,000 * $0 = $25 for the month

      • Let’s assume you created 100,000 profiles in Amazon Connect Customer Profiles at the beginning of the month and then added another 20,000 profiles on the 21st of that month. In this case, the 100,000 profiles are charged for 31 days, and the 20,000 profiles are only charged for 11 days.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total monthly profile units = 120,000
        Total cost = [100,000 * ($0.0025/31) 31 days + 20,000 * ($0.0025/31) 11 days ]= $268 for the month

    • Guides
    • Pricing Guides usage - per message
      Per message sent $0.005

      For step-by-step guides, you are billed $0.005 per message sent or received through the Show View flow block in the no-code/low-code workflow designer, Amazon Connect Flows. Messages are incurred when a flow sends a new view to your agent in the agent workspace, and incurred again when an agent takes a deliberate action, triggering the next step in the flow.

      For example, if you use Flows to render a read-only view for your agent, such as a screen pop, that view equates to one message and will cost $0.005. As another example, if your agent is required to fill out a form, receiving and submitting a form equates to two messages and will cost $0.01.

      • Let’s assume that your agents complete 10,000 guides in a month, and the average number of steps an agent sees per guide is 5 (that is, you built the flow using 5 Show View blocks). One message is sent every time the agent’s user interface is updated, and one message is sent every time the agent performs an action (for example, submit a form).

        Total charge calculation:
        Total monthly units = 10,000 guides
        Total monthly cost = 10,000 guides * 5 Show View blocks * 2 messages per block * $0.005 per message = $500 per month

    • Amazon Q in Connect
    • Pricing  Price
      Per agent per month  $40

      With Amazon Q in Connect, you are billed $40 per agent/per month for agents who either receive a suggested solution, or who search across connected knowledge sources. Amazon Connect security profiles enable you to manage which agents can receive suggestions and search Amazon Q in Connect. Note: Amazon Connect Contact Lens conversational analytics is required to use Amazon Q in Connect real-time recommendations during voice calls. For pricing, visit the Contact Lens section under the Analytics, Insights, and Optimization tab.

      • Let's assume you have 100 agents who have been provided access to Amazon Q in Connect and who have received suggested solutions and/or performed searches across connected knowledge sources during the month.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total monthly cost = 100 agents * $40 per user = $4,000

    • Voice ID
    • Pricing Price per transaction
      Voice ID usage – per transaction $0.025

      With Amazon Connect Voice ID, you are charged based on number of transactions on a monthly basis. Each use of Voice ID to enroll a customer, verify the identity of the caller or check the call for fraud characteristics is considered a separate transaction. Voice ID does not charge for capturing the customer opt-in, opt-out, deletion of historical voiceprints, and checking the verification status during a call. However, if you decide to re-authenticate a customer during a call, it will result in an additional transaction. Bulk/batch enrollment using a stored audio recording for a single caller, or to add a single fraudster to the known fraudster watchlist is also considered a separate transaction. Each transaction is priced at $0.025 irrespective of the type of transaction.

      • Let’s assume you bulk enrolled 10,000 callers into Amazon Connect Voice ID at the beginning of the month on December 1, 2021 and through the month of December, you perform 500 authentication transactions every day.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total Transactions: 10,000 + 500 * 31 = 25,500
        Total cost = 25,500 *$0.025 = $637.5 for the month

      • Let's assume you have not enrolled any callers into Amazon Connect Voice ID using the bulk enrollment. During the month of December 2021, you have 500 calls per day where you either enroll the caller or authenticate the caller's identity if they have enrolled in an earlier call that month. In addition, you also check each call for fraud.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total Transactions = 500 * 31 (for fraud) + 500 * 31 (for enrollment/authentication) = 31,000
        Total cost = 31,000 * $0.025 = $775 for the month

  • Analytics, insights, and optimization
    • Contact Lens
    • Amazon Connect Contact Lens offers separate pay-as-you-go pricing for the following capabilities: conversational analytics, performance evaluation, and screen recording. Each of these capabilities can be used separately or together. You will be billed based on the pricing shown in the table below for each capability you choose to use. Conversational analytics capabilities pricing for voice calls is a per minute charge and for chat messages is a per message charge, performance evaluation capabilities pricing is charged per agent evaluated, and screen recording capabilities pricing is charged per recorded minute. See the pricing table and examples below for detailed pricing information for these capabilities.

      Conversational analytics for voice calls:

      Pricing by monthly volume Price per minute
      First 5 million minutes (Tier 1)    $0.015
      5 million+ minutes (Tier 2) $0.0125

      New conversational analytics for voice customers receive a free trial with no charges for 100,000 voice call minutes per month for the first two months. This free trial is available to first-time conversational analytics for voice customers who begin usage before December 31, 2024.

      Conversational analytics for chat messages:

      Pricing Price per message
      Per message                                         $0.0015

      Performance evaluation:

      Pricing Price per agent evaluated per month
      Per agent evaluated per month                                                                     $12.00

      New performance evaluation customers receive a free trial with no charges for the first 30 days. This free trial is available to first-time performance evaluation customers after activating the  capability for the first time.

      Screen recording:

      Pricing Price per minute
      Per recorded minute                       $0.006
      • Let's assume you analyzed customer calls in your contact center using Contact Lens conversational analytics for voice. You have analyzed 7 million minutes, and you are in the second year of your use of the service.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total monthly call minutes analyzed = 7 million
        Total cost = [Call volume in Tier 1] * $0.015 + [Call volume in Tier 2] * $0.0125
        Total cost = [5 million minutes * $0.015] + [(7 million – 5 million) minutes * $0.0125] = [$75,000] + [$25,000] = $100,000

      • Let’s assume you analyzed customer chats in your contact center using Contact Lens conversational analytics for chat. You have analyzed 1 million chat messages, and you are in the second year of your use of the service.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total monthly chat messages analyzed = 1 million
        Total cost = [number of chat messages analyzed] * [price per message]
        Total cost = [1 million messages] * $0.0015 = $1,500

      • Let's assume you evaluated agent performance for 200 agents in your contact center using Contact Lens performance evaluation in a particular month.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total monthly agent evaluated = 200 agents
        Total cost = [200 agents * $12.00] = $2,400.00

      • For contacts with screen recording enabled, recording begins when the agent accepts the contact and ends when the agent completes after contact work. Screen recording pricing does not include time spent in IVR, only when the agent is connected and in after contact work. We do not charge if the screen recording has been paused or for overlapping duration of concurrent contacts.

        Screen recording pricing example one
        To arrive at the total number of agent minutes Contact Lens screen recording is enabled in a particular month, let’s assume your contacts have an average handle time (AHT) of 5 minutes, each of your agents handle approximately 500 contacts in the month, and screen recording is enabled for 30% of those contacts. For a contact center of 200 agents the total charge is calculated as follows:

        Total charge calculation:
        Total minutes screen recording is enabled = 5 minutes AHT * 500 contacts per agent * 30% of contacts screen recording is enabled * 200 agents = 150,000 minutes
        Total cost = 150,000 minutes screen recording is enabled * $0.006 per minute = $900

        Screen recording pricing example two (concurrent contact)
        Let’s assume an agent accepts a contact at 1:00pm with Contact Lens screen recording enabled and accepts a second concurrent contact at 1:10 with screen recording enabled. Then, the agent completes the first contact at 1:20pm and completes the second contact at 1:30pm. If there are no other overlapping contacts, then for this example, the total change would be 30 minutes of screen recording.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total cost = 30 minutes * 0.006 per minute = $0.18

      • Q: Does Amazon Connect Contact Lens pricing have a combined price for conversational analytics, performance evaluation, and screen recording?

        No, Amazon Connect Contact Lens offers separate pay-as-you-go pricing for conversational analytics, performance evaluation, and screen recording as shown in the pricing table and examples above. Each of these capabilities has separate pricing and you choose which ones to use. You will be billed for each capability you choose to use based on their individual pricing.

        Q: What type of customer contacts can be reviewed with Contact Lens performance evaluation? Are you billed for both Contact Lens conversational analytics and Contact Lens performance evaluation when you do manual agent performance evaluation?

        You can use Contact Lens performance evaluation for all contacts handled by an agent, within your Amazon Connect instance, including conversations over voice calls, chats, and tasks. You can manually evaluate contacts without Contact Lens conversational analytics and you will only be billed for Contact Lens performance evaluation. If you choose to enable Contact Lens conversational analytics to automate the evaluation process and get results pre-populated within the evaluation form you will be billed for both conversational analytics and performance evaluation. We do not support evaluating customer interactions outside of your Amazon Connect instance.

        Q: What is the pricing for Contact Lens generative AI-powered post-contact summaries?

        There is no separate charge for Contact Lens generative AI-powered post-contact summaries. This feature is included in the pay-as-you-go pricing for conversational analytics.

        Q: Does Amazon Connect charge separately for other Contact Lens features such as call-recording, contact search, contact rules, and supervisor barge-in?

        No, we do not charge separately for other Contact Lens features such as call-recording, contact search, contact rules, and supervisor barge-in. These features are included within Amazon Connect.

    • Forecasting & Scheduling
    • Pricing Price per agent forecasted or scheduled per month
      Per agent forecasted or scheduled per month $27

      For Amazon Connect forecasting and scheduling, you are billed $27 per agent/per month for agents who either 1/ take a contact in a forecasted queue or 2/ receive a schedule.

      We offer a 90-day free trial for Amazon Connect forecasting and scheduling after activating the capabilities for the first time. After the 90-day free trial, you can continue to generate forecasts and schedules, and you will only be charged when the forecasts or schedules are published or downloaded.

      • Let's assume you have 300 agents in your contact center that receive a schedule using Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling in a particular month.

        Total charge calculation:
        Total agents in a month that receive a schedule = 300 agents
        Total monthly cost = [300 agents * $27.00] = $8,100.00

      • Let's assume in a particular month you have used Amazon Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling capabilities for a group of 150 agents as follows: a) 98 of the agents receive a schedule, b) 2 agents, do not receive schedules, but these agents take contacts in a queue that has a published or downloaded forecast, and c) 50 of the agents do not receive schedules, and they do not take contacts in a queue that has a published or downloaded forecast. Then your total chargeable/billable agents for the month is 100.

        Total charge calculation:
        (a) Total agents in the month that receive a schedule = 98 agents
        (b) Total agents in the month that take contacts in a queue that has a downloaded or published forecast but do not receive a schedule = 2 agents
        Total monthly cost = [100 agents * $27.00] = $2,700.00