• Free Tier

    The Amazon GameLift Anywhere free tier includes a total of 3,000 game sessions placed and 500,000 server connection minutes per month for 12 months, aggregated across all regions.


    Assume you placed 100,000 game sessions and incurred 5,000,000 server process connections minutes. You will be charged at a rate of $0.0012 per game session placed and $0.000011 per server process connection minute.

    Total Game Sessions – Free Tier Game Sessions = Monthly billable Game Sessions

    100,000 Game Sessions – 3,000 Game Sessions = 97,000 Monthly billable Game Sessions

    Monthly Game Sessions Charge = 97,000 * $0.0012 = $116.40

    Total Server Process Connections Minutes – Free Tier Server Process Connection Minutes = Monthly billable Server Process Connection Minutes

    5,000,000 Server Process Connection Minutes – 500,000 Server Process Connection Minutes = 4,500,000 Monthly billable Server Process Connection Minutes

    Monthly Server Process Connection Minutes Charge = 4,500,000 * $0.000011 = $49.50

    Total Charges = Game Session charges + Server Process Connection Minutes charges = $116.40 + $49.50 = $165.90