Game Analytics

Understand, grow, and retain engaged players by making better design decisions with game analytics and big data solutions.

Introduction to AWS Analytics

Watch the AWS for Games Tutorial Series to learn about AWS’s approach to game analytics, including how to create robust analytics pipelines.

Use data to grow your game

Personalize experiences
Understand your players to deliver a tailored experience. Track operational resources and optimize marketing tactics based on data-driven analysis to maximize cost and success.
Scale data and storage with demand
When your game hits it big, AWS can scale to meet the volume and velocity of the data generated—all while paying only for what you need.
Handle data with complete security
Rest assured that your game data is in good hands with AWS’s highly redundant networking, low latency, and high throughput.

Explore solutions by use case

Centralized Game Analytics

Configure and deploy purpose-built analytics pipelines that leverage managed infrastructure components while elastically scaling to match changes in data traffic.

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Player Insights

Player Insights Solutions on AWS provide data visualizations and predictive ML, helping developers gain actionable insights into player behavior.                                 

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AWS services

Analyze all of your data with the fastest and most widely used cloud data warehouse.

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Simple, scalable, and serverless data integration.

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Easily run and scale Apache Spark, Hive, Presto, and other big data workloads.

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Build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models for any use case with fully managed infrastructure, tools, and workflows

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Unified business intelligence at hyperscale

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Collect, process, and analyze real-time video and data streams. Get started with KinesisConnect with Kinesis sales support

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AWS Lake Formation is a service that makes it easy to set up a secure data lake in days. A data lake is a centralized, curated, and secured repository that stores all your data, both in its original form and prepared for analysis.

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AWS provides the broadest selection of analytics services that fit all your data analytics needs and enables organizations of all sizes and industries to reinvent their business with data. From data movement, data storage, data lakes, big data analytics, log analytics, streaming analytics, and machine learning (ML) to anything in between, AWS offers purpose-built services that provide the best price-performance, scalability, and lowest cost.

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A modern data architecture acknowledges the idea that taking a one-size-fits-all approach to analytics eventually leads to compromises. It is not simply about integrating a data lake with a data warehouse, but rather about integrating a data lake, a data warehouse, and purpose-built stores, enabling unified governance and easy data movement.

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Customer stories

See what some of our game development friends and customers have to say about AWS Game Analytics solutions. 


Zynga Modernizes Mobile Analytics with AWS

Leveraging its RA3 instances, Zynga rapidly increased query performance while simultaneously reducing operational overhead and costs. Learn about the analytics solution that supports hit franchises like Words With Friends and Zynga Poker.

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Zynga modernized mobile analytics with Amazon Redshift RA3
WB Games Uses AWS to Pursue the Art of Data-Driven Storytelling
WB Games

WB Games Uses AWS to Pursue the Art of Data-Driven Storytelling

Using AWS solutions such as Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon S3, WB Games is able to capture, ingest, analyze, and action insights to help developers become more agile with their approach to storytelling.

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Gameloft Migrates to AWS, Modernizes Mobile Gaming Analytics

Gameloft Migrates to AWS, Modernizes Mobile Gaming Analytics

To continuously analyze and improve its games for players, Gameloft modernized its on-premises data infrastructure by migrating to an AWS data lake.

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Lazy Koala Makes the Winning Move to Analytics with AWS
Lazy Koala

Lazy Koala Makes the Winning Move to Analytics with AWS

With the Game Analytics Pipeline solution, Lazy Koala had access to a framework for ingesting game events into a data lake for storage and easy access for analysis.

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Playrix Boosts Game Analytics Efficiency 10X Using Amazon Redshift and AWS Fargate

Playrix Boosts Game Analytics Efficiency 10X Using Amazon Redshift and AWS Fargate

With assistance from AWS Enterprise Support, Playrix improved the performance of its marketing and in-game analytics, ultimately gaining insights that improve its business and end users’ experience without an in-house database team.

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Use Cases

Learn from the experience of others who have taken this journey and want to bring successful games to market while maximizing the gameplay experience of players.

Gameloft Sees Smooth Launch for LEGO Legacy: Heroes Unboxed All In on AWS.

Location and infrastructure barriers in the games industry often lead to the development cycle happening in distinct stages: one team creates a game, and then a different team builds an infrastructure that helps the game scale. At Gameloft, one of the biggest names in mobile games in the last 20 years, the studio team creates games, and the Infrastructure Services and Online Platform Solutions (ISOPS) team is responsible for the infrastructure. Having distinct groups, however, can result in the unused potential of fully integrated infrastructures and features. Gameloft theorized that greater collaboration between the studio team and the ISOPS team would enable better game design and increased functionality, ultimately resulting in a better experience for players. As a pilot run, in March 2020, just before its 20th anniversary, Gameloft built and launched LEGO Legacy: Heroes Unboxed all on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. The increased agility, stability, and elasticity of the cloud-based infrastructure solidified Gameloft’s future technology plans. “I can’t imagine a launch without having the cloud-native scalability that AWS provided us,” says Marianne Barousse, director of ISOPS for Gameloft. “I’m not going back,” adds Michael Stolls, technical director at Gameloft Toronto.

Learn more about Gameloft's story »

Lake house architecture

Accelerate building a lake house architecture with AWS

Customers are building databases, data warehouses, and data lake solutions in isolation from each other, each having its own separate data ingestion, storage, management, and governance layers. Often these disjointed efforts to build separate data stores end up creating data silos, data integration complexities, excessive data movement, and data consistency issues.

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Design a data mesh architecture using AWS Lake Formation and AWS Glue

Design a data mesh architecture using AWS Lake Formation and AWS Glue

Organizations of all sizes have recognized that data is one of the key enablers to increase and sustain innovation, and drive value for their customers and business units. They are eagerly modernizing traditional data platforms with cloud-native technologies that are highly scalable, feature-rich, and cost-effective.

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Ingest and visualize streaming data for games

Ingest and visualize streaming data for games

Game studios are increasingly realizing the value of player and game data. With analytics, you can turn this data into actionable insights to better meet your players’ high expectations for amazing games. 

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Best Practices for Building a Data Lake on AWS for Games

Best Practices for Building a Data Lake on AWS for Games

This whitepaper outlines best practices for building a data lake for games on the AWS Cloud, and offers a reference architecture to guide organizations in the delivery of these complex systems.   

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Why analytics for games

Why analytics for games

Analytics can be used to enhance a video game in many ways. Customers are using analytics to create more engaging games, fraud and player investigations, monetization and live ops.

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Innovate with key industry partners

Discover purpose-built AWS for Games solutions and services from an extensive network of industry-leading AWS Partners who have demonstrated technical expertise and customer success in building solutions on AWS.


Power up your gaming app

Keep your players playing and coming back for more by leveraging holistic measurement data and tools that will help you acquire, retain, and engage high-value players.

AppsFlyer APN page »

Modern database for enterprise applications

At the heart of any successful game is Couchbase that has 100% uptime, scales in real time to handle millions of users who get a personalized experience across all of their devices.

Couchbase APN page »

Databricks Lakehouse for Gaming

Keep your players playing and coming back for more by leveraging holistic measurement data and tools that will help you acquire, retain, and engage high-value players.

Databricks APN page »

Stronger player insights with modern data architectures

From big studios to small, Slalom’s gaming and analytics experts can easily spin up your pipelines and dashboards with Amazon QuickSight before your next launch.

Slalom APN page »

Power up your gaming app

Keep your players playing and coming back for more by leveraging holistic measurement data and tools that will help you acquire, retain, and engage high-value players.

GameAnalytics APN page »

Power up your gaming app

Keep your players playing and coming back for more by leveraging holistic measurement data and tools that will help you acquire, retain, and engage high-value players.

Amplitude APN page »

Power up your gaming app

Keep your players playing and coming back for more by leveraging holistic measurement data and tools that will help you acquire, retain, and engage high-value players.

ClickHouse APN page »

Power up your gaming app

Keep your players playing and coming back for more by leveraging holistic measurement data and tools that will help you acquire, retain, and engage high-value players.

Snowflake APN page »

Start here to begin your analytics journey on AWS.

Step 2 - Level 1 - Practice your skills

Step 4 - End game - continued learning

Continue your learning with blogs, webinars, YouTube videos, and also reach out to your AWS account team!