Pricing overview

With AWS IoT Greengrass, you pay only for what you use. You are charged based on the number of AWS IoT Greengrass Core devices that connect to the AWS IoT Greengrass cloud service in a given month. You will not be charged if an AWS IoT Greengrass Core device does not connect to the cloud service.

An AWS IoT Greengrass Core is active for the month when it authenticates with AWS. AWS IoT Greengrass Core is uniquely identified by its AWS IoT, which represents the connected device and uses a device certificate to authenticate with AWS IoT. You can connect devices to your AWS IoT Greengrass Cores locally at no additional charge. An AWS IoT Greengrass Core is considered inactive when it does not authenticate with AWS in a given month, even if the device continues to operate locally.

If you are planning to use AWS IoT Greengrass for large fleets of devices, please contact us for additional pricing options. Please also contact us if you are evaluating making an annual commitment.

AWS IoT Greengrass includes two pieces of client software: AWS IoT Greengrass Core, the runtime that provides local AWS Lambda, messaging, device shadows, and security, and the AWS IoT Device SDK, which lets devices interact with AWS IoT Greengrass Core via the local network.

An AWS IoT Greengrass Core is active for the month when it authenticates with AWS. AWS IoT Greengrass Core is uniquely identified by its AWS IoT thing that represents the AWS IoT Greengrass Core device and uses a device certificate to authenticate with AWS IoT. You can locally connect devices to your AWS IoT Greengrass Cores for no additional charge. An AWS IoT Greengrass Core is considered inactive when it does not authenticate with AWS in a given month, even if the device continues to operate locally.

AWS Free Tier

The AWS Free Tier includes the first three AWS IoT Greengrass Core devices that connect during each month, free for one year.

Your free tier usage is calculated each month across all AWS Regions except the AWS GovCloud Region and automatically applied to your bill; unused monthly usage will not roll over. Restrictions apply; see offer terms for more details.



Additional charges

AWS IoT Greengrass opens one or more connections to AWS IoT Core to support operations of deployment, device shadows, and message transfer. These connections are automatically established when internet connection is available. The number of connections is based on the number of AWS IoT Device Shadows that you configure to synchronize with the cloud and the number of AWS IoT Core MQTT topics that you configure to send messages to AWS IoT Greengrass Cores. You will incur charges for the total AWS IoT Core connection minutes based on these connections. See additional details on number of connections.

You may also incur additional charges with AWS IoT Greengrass if your applications use other AWS services or transfer data. For example, if AWS IoT Greengrass transmits data to or from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), you will be billed for the read/write requests and the data stored in Amazon S3.

For details on AWS service pricing, see the pricing section of the relevant AWS service detail pages. Links to pricing for some of the commonly used services are listed below.

AWS IoT Core (includes pricing for connectivity, messaging, and device shadow operations)

Amazon Kinesis (includes pricing for data streaming, throughput capacity, and data retention)

Amazon S3 (includes pricing for storage, requests, and data transfer)

Amazon DynamoDB (includes pricing for data storage, throughput capacity, and data transfer)

Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT and applicable sales tax. For customers with a Japanese billing address, use of AWS is subject to Japanese Consumption Tax.

Pricing examples

Example 1 – Imagine you’re running three AWS IoT Greengrass Core devices that are active for 11 months in the U.S. East (N. Virginia) Region:

  • Device A - An AWS IoT Greengrass Core device is powered on in January and powered down at the end of November. When the device is powered on, it downloads new AWS Lambda serverless compute and functions when they are available. It continuously synchronizes its state via device shadows.
  • Device B - An AWS IoT Greengrass Core device sits inactive on a warehouse shelf in January, but it is sold and powered on in February. When the device is powered on, it uses local Lambdas to summarize one-second metrics into five-minute metrics and uploads the five-minute metrics to AWS IoT or Amazon Kinesis.
  • Device C - An AWS IoT Greengrass Core is powered on in January and stays powered on all year. It has no internet connectivity for the month of December, so it never interacts with the cloud in December.

Through each of these three devices, AWS IoT Greengrass establishes two connections (one for deployment agent and one for subscriptions). Device B also uses local Lambdas to aggregate metrics every second and upload the collected metrics every five minutes to AWS IoT.

To determine the cost, you need to calculate charges for AWS IoT Greengrass and AWS IoT Core, which include connection and messaging charges.

AWS IoT Greengrass Charges
Monthly AWS IoT Greengrass charges = Number of active AWS IoT Greengrass Cores * Monthly price per AWS IoT Greengrass Core * Activity period (month)

AWS IoT Core Charges
(Note: AWS IoT Core has a limit of 50 subscriptions per connection, and as devices A, B, and C do not require more than 50 subscriptions each, AWS IoT Greengrass establishes only one connection to support overall subscription-based operations.)

Charges for connection minutes = Number of connections * Activity period (minutes) * Region rate (0.08/1,000,00 connection)

Charges for sending messages to cloud = Activity period (minutes) * Messages per hour * $1 per million messages.
See additional AWS IoT Core messaging pricing details.

Initial calculations:

  • The activity period for each device over 11 months = 11 months * 730 hours per month * 60 minutes per hour = 481,800 minutes
  • The number of messages sent by Device B in 11 months = 11 months * 730 hours per month * 12 messages per hour = 96,360 messages
Service Device A Device B Device C Total
AWS IoT Greengrass 1 device * $0.16 per device per month* 11 months = $1.76 1 device * $0.16 per device per month * 11 months = $1.76 1 device * $0.16 per device per month * 11 months = $1.76

$1.76 + $1.76 + $1.76 = $5.28

AWS IoT Core connections

2 connections * 481,800 minutes * $0.08/1,000,000 connection minutes =$0.08

2 connections * 481,800 minutes * $0.08/1,000,000 connection minutes = $0.08

2 connections * 481,800 minutes *
$0.08/1,000,000 connection minutes = $0.08

$0.08 + $0.08 + $0.08 = $0.24

AWS IoT Core messaging N/A 96,360 messages * $1/1,000,000 messages = $0.10 N/A $0.10
Total for example 1 = $5.62

Example 2 – Imagine your Device A using AWS IoT Greengrass Core is destroyed at the end of January, and Device B is powered on in February to replace it. This counts as one active device in January and one active device in February. Devices are active in the U.S. East (N. Virginia) Region.

Device B also uses local Lambdas to aggregate metrics every second and upload the collected metrics every five minutes (12 messages sent per hour) to AWS IoT.

To determine the cost, you need to calculate charges for AWS IoT Greengrass and AWS IoT Core, which include connection and messaging charges.

AWS IoT Greengrass Charges
Monthly AWS IoT Greengrass charges = Number of active AWS IoT Greengrass Cores * Monthly price per AWS IoT Greengrass Core * Activity period (month)

AWS IoT Core Charges
(Note: AWS IoT Core has a limit of 50 subscriptions per connection, and as devices A, B, and C do not require more than 50 subscriptions each, AWS IoT Greengrass establishes only one connection to support overall subscription-based operations.)

Charges for connection minutes = Number of connections * Activity period (minutes) * Region rate (0.08/1,000,00 connection)

Charges for sending messages to cloud = Number of messages * $1 per million messages. See additional AWS IoT Core messaging pricing details.


  • Activity period for each device over one month = 730 hours per month * 60 minutes per hour = 43,800 minutes
Service Device A Device B


AWS IoT Greengrass 1 device * $0.16 per device per month * 1 month = $0.16 1 device * $0.16 per device per month * 1 month = $0.16

$0.16 + $0.16 $0.32

AWS IoT Core connections 2 connections * 43,800 minutes * $0.08/1,000,000 = $0.01 2 connections * 43,800 minutes * $0.08/1,000,000 = $0.01

$0.01 + $0.01 = $0.02

AWS IoT Core messaging N/A 1 month * 730 hours per month * 12 messages per hour * $1/1,000,000 messages = $0.01 $0.01
Total for example 2 = $0.35

Example 3 – In this example in the U.S. East (N. Virginia) Region, imagine one AWS IoT Greengrass Core, Device A, interacts with 120 AWS IoT Greengrass-aware devices via the local network to process events from these devices and send updates to the cloud. 

Only Device A is counted as an AWS IoT Greengrass Core device and is charged. The device is active for 12 months. The 120 AWS IoT Greengrass-aware devices are configured to regularly sync their shadows with the cloud through AWS IoT Core. There are also two subscriptions that enable two AWS IoT Greengrass-aware devices to receive messages from the cloud (IoT/topic/1→ AWS IoT Greengrass-aware-device1 and IoT/topic/2→ AWS IoT Greengrass-aware-device2). 

Additionally, AWS IoT Greengrass establishes one connection to support the AWS IoT Greengrass deployment agent. In addition, AWS IoT Greengrass establishes connections to support subscriptions for Device A based on:  

AWS IoT Greengrass Charges
Monthly AWS IoT Greengrass charge = Number of active AWS IoT Greengrass Cores * Monthly price per AWS IoT Greengrass Core * Activity period (months) 

Charge for Device A = 1 device * $0.16 per device per month* 12 months = $1.92 

AWS IoT Core Charges 

Number of connections = connections for deployment agent + connections due to subscriptions

  • Number of connections due to subscriptions = (subscriptions due to devices syncing shadows to AWS IoT Core + subscriptions for MQTT topics with cloud as source + subscriptions due to 2 shadows needed to support certificate generation workflow) / Maximum number of subscriptions per connection
  • Number of connections due to subscriptions from and through Device A = (120 AWS IoT Greengrass-aware devices + 2 connections for MQTT topics with cloud as source + 2 connections for subscriptions for shadow updates)/ 50 subscriptions per connection = 2.48 = rounded up to 3 connections.
  • Number of connections for Device A = 1 + 3 = 4 connections 

Connection charges minutes = Number of connections * Activity period (minutes) * $0.08 per million connection minutes.

  • Activity period = 12 months * 730 hours per month * 60 minutes per hour = 525,600 minutes
  • Charges for Device A = 4 connections * 2,102,400 minutes * $0.08/1,000,000 = $ 0.17
Service Device A
AWS IoT Greengrass 1 device * $0.16 per device per month* 12 months = $1.92
AWS IoT Core charges Device A = 4 connections * 2,102,400 minutes * $0.08/1,000,000 = $ 0.17
  Total for example 3 = $2.09

Additional pricing resources

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