AWS Wavelength features

Why AWS Wavelength?

AWS Wavelength is an infrastructure offering optimized for mobile edge computing applications. Wavelength Zones are AWS infrastructure deployments that embed AWS compute and storage services within communications service providers’ (CSP) 5G networks, so application traffic from 5G devices reach application servers running in Wavelength Zones without leaving the telecommunications network. This avoids the latency that would result from application traffic traversing multiple hops across the internet to reach its destination, which allows customers to take full advantage of the latency and bandwidth benefits offered by modern 5G networks.

You can create Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) subnets and carrier gateways in Wavelength Zones. You can also use services that orchestrate or work with EC2, EBS and VPC such as Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) clusters, Amazon EC2 Systems Manager, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB). AWS Wavelength services are part of a VPC connected over a reliable, high-bandwidth connection to an AWS Region for easy access to services including Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS).

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Wavelength offers Elastic Block Store (EBS) gp2 volumes for persistent block storage. You can use EBS gp2 volumes for boot or data volumes, and attach or detach EBS volumes to EC2 instances. It provides snapshot and restore capabilities and lets you increase volume size without any performance impact. All EBS volumes and snapshots are fully encrypted by default. Any EBS snapshots will be stored using Amazon S3 in the Region associated with the Wavelength Zone.

VPC: Amazon VPCs in an account can be extended to span multiple Availability Zones, including Wavelength Zones. Amazon EC2 instances and related services will appear as part of the user’s regional VPC.

Carrier Gateway: Wavelength also introduces a new component to the network setup – the Carrier Gateway. The Carrier Gateway enables connectivity from the user’s subnet in the Wavelength Zone to the communications service provider’s (CSP) network, the internet, or the AWS Region through the CSP’s network. The Carrier Gateway serves two purposes. It allows inbound traffic from a CSP network in a specific location, and outbound traffic to the telecommunications network and the internet.

You can use familiar AWS tools such as AWS CloudFormation, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, and others to run and manage workloads in Wavelength Zones as you do for other cloud workloads today. You can use AWS Cost Explorer to monitor the cost of your projects.